[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Chaired by: Mrs Christine Prunaud, Senator with the support of the Association of Friends of the Sahrawi Republic has the honour to invite you:
Friday, November 15, 2019 from 1:30 pm to 6 pm
Salle Médicis – Palais du Luxembourg, 15 rue de Vaugirard – 75006 Paris
Theme: The sovereignty of the Sahrawi people over their natural resources
The judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) in 2016 and 2018 made it clear that Western Sahara is a separate and distinct territory from Morocco and that, as such, the European Union/Morocco agreements cannot be applied without the consent of the people of Western Sahara. The Polisario Front has contacted to negotiate an agreement applicable to the territory, refused by European leaders. As the ECJ terminated the application of the de facto agreements, European leaders decided to adopt an express extension process, without the consent of the people of Western Sahara. This European decision violates Sahrawi sovereignty, but it is also a poisoned gift for Morocco, which has been forced to recognize – as required by the extension process – that it is not sovereign over the territory. And this is done in an international agreement. The Polisario Front immediately brought an action before the Court of Justice to enforce the need for the consent of the Sahrawi people, which is part of its inalienable right to self-determination.
RSVP: bur.aarasd@wanadoo.fr and 06 70 31 24 97 – 06 07 47 21 47
Register before November 8, 2019, giving your full name, date and place of birth (city and country)
14h / 14h15 : Welcome and protocolary presentation of the conference Mrs Christine Prunaud, Senator Mrs Régine Villemont, President of the Association des Amis de la RASD
14h15 / 15h15 : First panel : Political and legal point
- Mr. Mhammed Khadad, Head of External Relations of the Polisario Front and Mr. Oubi Bouchraya, Representative of the Polisario Front in France.
- Ms. Lydia Samarbakhsh, Head of the International Sector of the PCF, Member of the National Executive.
- Gilles Devers, Lawyer of the Polisario Front with the European institutions.
- Mr Raphael Fishera, Political Advisor of the Green Group in the European Parliament.
15h30 / 17h : Second panel : Status report
- Barr. Femi Falana SAN, lawyer of the SADR Nigeria – The plundering of Sahrawi resources in Africa; the case of Nigeria.
- Mr. Ghali Zbeir, Centre d’Études et Documentation franco sahraoui Ahmed Baba Miske – Potential of the natural resources of Western Sahara
- M. Mahjoub Lemliha, Western Sahara Resources Watch France – The extent of the looting of Sahrawi resources.
- Mr. Marriott Cademon, MD of the Australian mining company Hanno Resources in the liberated territories
- Mrs. Catherine Constantinides, environmental activist in South Africa.
- Mr Anselmo FARINA, Observatory of Sahrawi Natural Resources in the Canary Islands
17h / 17h30: Exchange with the room
17h30-18h: Final statement and thanks Nicole Gasnier, Secretary General of AARASD and Oubi Bouchraya.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]