OUISO, CEPED and the Hegoa Foundation organize:

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Emile Durkheim amphitheater, Sorbonne, Paris

a Workshop entitled “Enforced disappearances, mass violence and memory work (Latin America / Western Sahara)”

The day will be structured around two lectures by Pr Carlos Martín Beristain (Professor of Psycho-Social Health, Deusto University, Spain) followed by debates with former disappeared, HR activists and academics, and projection of a film on the situation war wounded in the Sahrawi refugee camps of Tindouf (South-Western Algeria).

Pr Carlos Martín Beristain is a doctor and has a PhD in social psychology. He has worked for 24 years in Latin America and the Spanish Basque Country with victims of violence and human rights organizations. He was the coordinator of the report “Guatemala, never again!” and he worked as a counselor for Truth Commissions in Peru, Paraguay and Ecuador. He has produced several expert reports for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and has been a consultant to the International Criminal Court in several African countries.

Morning 9 am-12pm: Latin America

  • 9 am-9.30am: welcoming of participants over coffee
  • introduction to the Workshop by Sébastien Boulay (anthropologist, University of Paris and CEPED): the challenges of a comparison between America Latin / Sahara
  • intervention by Carlos Martín Beristain based on his work in Colombia
  • comparative discussion with Valérie Robin-Azevedo (anthropologist, University of Paris and URMIS) based on her work on memory policies in Peru and her book Sur les sentiers de la violence, Editions de l’IHEAL, Paris, 2019

12 p.m. – 2 p.m .: lunch break

Afternoon 2 to 6 p.m .: Western Sahara

  • joint intervention by Carlos Martín Beristain and María López Belloso (University of Deusto, Spain) on their investigations in Western Sahara and on the Equity & Reconciliation Commission (Morocco)
  • round table moderated by Marjorie Beulay (Assistant Professor in public law, Picardie Jules Verne University), with Ghalia Djimi (Sahrawi HR activist, ASVDH), Claude Mangin-Asfari (HR defender and wife of Sahrawi political prisoner Naâma Asfari), around research-action collaborations
  • presentation and preview of the film by Michel Tabet and Sébastien Boulay, Sahara – The voices of the martyrs, 73 ‘, ERC CapSahara project
  • debates and end of the day

Free but compulsory registration, subject to availability,
by email to: contact.ouiso@gmail.com

Access: Amphitheater Emile Durkheim, Sorbonne, Galerie Cl. Bernard, staircase I, 1st
floor, 14, rue Cujas, Paris 5th arr. (metro “Odéon” or “Saint-Michel”)