Aug 25, 2023 | Call, Culture, Events coming, Geography, History, International relationship, News, Politics, Society
Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES-5) Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean, Seville, Spain, 16-20 July 2018 The World Congress seeks to address questions, exchange and explore information on the Middle East in the broadest sense. The...
Aug 25, 2023 | History, New parutions, New publications, News, Society, written documentation
Last publication of our late colleague, Pierre Bonte Bonte Pierre, 2016, Les récits d’origine. Contribution à la connaissance du passé ouest-saharien (Mauritanie, Maroc, Sahara Occidental, Algérie et Mali), Paris, Karthala En s’inspirant de l’analyse structurale des...