New parution – Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara. The Role of the UN’s Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO). János Besenyó, Joseph Huddleston, Yahia Zoubir
János Besenyó, R. Joseph Huddleston, Yahia H. Zoubir (ed.), 2022, Conflict and Peace in Western Sahara. The Role of the UN's Peacekeeping Mission (MINURSO), London, Routledge, 354 p. Abstract: This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of MINURSO (the...
New parution – Les enfants des nuages. Une ethnologue dans la tourment saharienne, Sophie Caratini
Sophie Caratini, 2022. Les enfants des nuages. Une ethnologue dans la tourmente saharienne, Éditions Thierry Marchaisse, 562 p. Abstract: This is the story of an inexperienced young girl who sets off into the Mauritanian desert in search of the great nomadic Rgaybat,...
New publicación – Rebelarse en el desierto. Movilizaciones políticas en el oeste sahariano (1932-2020), Francesco Correale, Laura Feliu, Alberto López Bargados
Francesco Correale, Laura Feliu, Alberto López Bargados (ed.), 2022. Rebelarse en el desierto. Movilizaciones políticas en el oeste sahariano (1932-2020), Barcelona, Alborán Bellaterra, 634 p. Abstract: The Western Sahara is an indisputable historical and cultural...
Brief history of the Western Sahara – Isaías Barreñada
Notice of publication Isaías Barreñada, 2022, Breve historia del Sahara Occidental, Catarata, 144 p. Almost 50 years after Spain's abandonment, the Sahrawi conflict continues to mark Spanish foreign policy in the region. Western Sahara is an illustrative example of a...
Four complaints for torture on Sahrawi political prisoners
Four complaints for torture filed against Morocco before the UN Committee against Torture On Thursday June 9, four complaints denouncing violations of the provisions of the United Nations Convention against Torture were filed against the State of Morocco before the UN...
International Workshop – Young scholars – Online – November 30
Western Sahara: A Multidisciplinary, Transregional Journée d’Etude The Western Sahara International Academic Observatory (OUISO) invites you to participate in an online workshop on Western Sahara and its regional context. The workshop is conceived as an...
New PhD thesis: the role of Minurso in Western Sahara – Meriem Naïli
NAILI Meriem, Peacekeeping and International Human Rights Law: Interrogating United Nations Mechanisms through a Study of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, PhD Dissertation, defended on 5 May 2022, Supervisors : Dr Irene Fernandez-Molina & Dr...
New Book : Exhortación, by the sahrawi poet Badi Mohamed Salem
Badi Mohamed Salem, Exhortación, Última Línea, 2022, 110 p., ISBN : 978-84-18492-26-6 This book is a collection of poems that Badi composed in the last stage of his life. In them he confronts with determination human frailty and death, universal experiences. Living in...
Latest issue of the Spanish Yearbook of International Law
Some papers of this last issue are dedicated to Western Sahara : Morocco, occupying power of Western Sahara: some notes about Spain’s foreign legal policy, the role of the Spanish doctrine and the rule of law in international relations Jaume Ferrer Lloret Is autonomy...
L’Ouest saharien Journal – issue 17 – Saharan Imaginaries
In the latest issue of the journal, two articles deal specifically with Western Sahara: Mark Drury : Naming the City: Saharan Urbanization and Disaggregated Sovereignty Andrea Bastide : Enjeux...
France Culture : the right to self-determination in Western Sahara
Radio program "Cultures Monde" (France Culture) of December 7, 2021 hosted by Florian Delorme Inscribed on the UN list of territories to be decolonized, in the eyes of...
Debate in the National Assembly (France) – January 6, 2022
Debate on the theme: "Assessment of France's actions to ensure respect for international law: the case of Western Sahara" Debate on the initiative of deputy Jean-Paul Lecoq, during the "week of control" of the Parliament. The debate was held in the Lamartine room at...
New Book : “North of the South” Claire Cécile Mitatre
Mitatre C.C., 2021, Au nord du Sud: Espace, valeurs et passion au Sahara atlantique, Paris, Editions de l'EHESS, coll. "En temps & lieux", 266 p. In the oases of Wad Nûn, there is no apology for autochthony, no preeminence of the first to arrive: everyone comes...
Webinar – Tuesday 15 February 2022 at 6pm: Nonviolent action in a context of renewed war in Western Sahara
"A webinar to highlight a largely forgotten conflict! co-organised by Non-Violence XXI and the Observatoire universitaire international du Sahara Occidental (OUISO) Programme: "Non-violent action in a context of renewed war in Western Sahara" After three decades of...
New German-language edited volume on Western Sahara
New German-language edited volume on Western Sahara Judit Tavakoli, Manfred O. Hinz, Werner Ruf und Leonie Gaiser (Hrsg.): Westsahara. Afrikas letzte Kolonie Released: dec. 2021 ISBN 978-3-947729-36-4 Summary A...
CALL for papers – L’Ouest saharien journal – Women’s conditions
Call for papers for the journal L’Ouest saharien Thematic issue (2022) "Women's conditions in the Sahara-Sahel" Issue coordinators: Camille Evrard, historian, associate researcher at the FRAMESPA laboratory (UMR 5136 - Toulouse Jean Jaurès University) and at the...
Film screening : SAHARA – les voix des martyrs – April 5, 5pm, Paris
Screening of the film: Tabet M. and Boulay S., SAHARA – Les voix des martyrs, production: CEPED (University of Paris-IRD) & ERC Cap Sahara Project, 75 mins Campus Condorcet, GED (Grand ensemble documentaire) 10 Cours des humanités, Aubervilliers Metro ligne 12,...
Letter from OUISO to the Presidency of IRD: Request for clarification on IRD research partnerships in Western Sahara
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Paris, 17th of December 2020, Dear Colleague, Dear CEO of IRD, In June 2020, our observatory published on its website a news item about the signing of research conventions between the IRD and some Moroccan communities or institutions...
MPs Faucillon and Lecoq question the French government (IRD-Morocco agreements)
MPs Elsa Faucillon and Jean-Paul Lecoq questioned the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, and the French Minister for Higher Education and Research, Frédérique Vidal, about two research agreements signed illegally by the IRD (Institut...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Je suis un bloc de texte, cliquez sur le bouton "éditer" pour me modifier. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo....